Legal Services

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Services, Training & Consultation

I practice nationally and I am fully conversant with the Harmonised WHS legislation and Victoria’s OHS Act. In addition to work in Victoria, I have represented clients at the Federal level and in all Australian States and Territories. I have conducted extensive national training for industry associations and clients, and spoken at, and chaired, sessions on both the Victorian and national Harmonised WHS laws at conferences throughout Australia.

I can provide you with training, either alone or in conjunction with subject matter experts.

This includes crisis preparation and training, mock courts, policy and procedure updates, risk management advice, due diligence, scenario and response planning and contractual options to manage and ensure that persons external to the organisation are held to their own accountabilities for WHS.

My services include those noted below.

Please contact me to if you wish to discuss any of the these services or any area of WHS law that may not be listed. See Contact details.

  • Audits – assisting clients in preparation for accreditation audits, undertaking compliance audits under legal professional privilege.
  • Bullying - risk management, policy development, training, internal investigations, executive liability and briefings, claim management.
  • Chemical safety - obligations for hazardous substances and dangerous goods.
  • Compliance (see Due Diligence).
  • Contractor management—system, contract and document reviews.
  • Coronial inquests and inquiries—investigation, requests for information, communications, employee interviews, submissions and "defences".
Law and attorney solution concept as a group of lawyers or corporate businessmen and businesswomen crossing two cliffs with the help of a justice scale acting as a bridge to legal services success with 3D illustration elements.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility - Identifying relevant international treaty and other obligations or standards as the baseline for CSR programs. I was on the steering committee at Western Mining Corporation (WMC) (since acquired by BHP) which oversaw some of the first public environmental and social responsibility reporting in Australia. WMC’s first 3 annual reports won prestigious reporting awards.
  • Due diligence—is a crucial issue for “Officers” under both the harmonised WHS legislation and the Victorian OHS Act. Under the WHS laws It is a positive duty, and failure to be able to demonstrate it is of itself an offence. Due diligence also represents an essential element for any business under the Victorian OHS Act. I can assist with policy and procedure, subject matter expert input, regulatory compliance, audits and inspections.
  • Enforceable Undertakings - Advising on and negotiating Enforceable Undertakings as an alternative to prosecutions.
  • Employment Law - I am Special Counsel to an award winning boutique employment law practice. Any employment issues arising from WHS matters, for example, termination for breaching corporate safety policies, or internal investigations for misconduct, can be dealt with seamlessly through my relationship with this firm. Of course this is always on the basis that it is a matter for informed client choice.
  • Fatigue management—investigation, compliance, requests for information and strategies for inquests.
  • Food safety—food safety regulations, food handling, contamination and liability. (I have both prosecuted and defended breaches of food legislation).
  • Improvement & prohibition notices—investigation, strategy, the implications of not seeking a review, the conduct of internal reviews, negotiation and appeals.

24/7 Crisis Response Service

Many businesses operate outside standard business hours. If an incident occurs prompt access to legal advice and subject matter specialists can assist in its management and mitigate potential legal and other impacts. I can play as large, or small a role, as suits your organisation, from guidance and the application of legal professional privilege, to being a part of your incident response team, or in consultation with you, "project managing" the post incident issues which arise. 

For further information about this service see Crisis Response, or call: 0419 338 411

  • Incident response and management—Critical Incident Response (24/7 with the management of investigations protected, to the extent permitted by law, by legal professional privilege.
  • Interviews with regulators – preparing clients, and their employees, for, and attending interviews (both mandatory and voluntary interviews) being conducted by regulatory authorities with a view to prosecution.
  • Intervention orders - against persons engaging in bullying and harassment including, not only within an organisation, but bullying and harassment by service providers or customers of the organisation.
  • Legal advice - across the spectrum of WH&S in a broad range of industry sectors.
  • Legal briefings - for senior executives and boards - presentations or workshops.
  • Policies and procedures — codes of conduct, bullying and other appropriate workplace behaviour policies.
  • Regulatory investigations & prosecutions — investigation and enforcement actions, communications, employee interviews, submissions and defences.
  • Safety governance & assurance — regulatory compliance, policies and procedures, executive briefings and training.
  • Australian Standards – I have represented a client on critical industry issues on Australian Standards. I prepared a written submission and attended and addressed the relevant Australian Standards Working Party on the issues and implications arising from matters under its consideration.
  • Submissions - The preparation of, or assistance in submissions to government on such issues as problems with the existing law; issues arising in relation to consultation drafts of Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice and, Regulatory Impact Statements. I assisted organisations such as the Business Council of Australia, the Australian Bankers Association and other clients, in significant submissions to governments. I have also appeared on behalf of a client at a Senate Inquiry into certain policy aspects of WHS law.
  • Training / Workshops - I conduct training, either alone or in conjunction with subject matter specialists, retained by you or on my recommendation, on the full spectrum of issues. There are no “off the shelf” presentations. Training can include court and regulator interview simulations.  All training is developed in consultation with your organisation and is tailored to your requirements. I hold a Certificate IV in Training & Assessment.

Not in this summary? Simply call or email your inquiry as to whether I can assist you.  See Contact details.