Dent's Safety Toolbox Starters

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In Dent's Toolbox or Laptop you will find a selection of humorous, mainly musical, videos for your Safety Committee, Toolbox starter, or presentation.  

Check out Dent's Safety Theatre as well!

Dent's Toolbox with laptop

A series of lighthearted safety videos which bring a smile to this otherwise serious issue.  Icebreakers for that toolbox or safety committee meeting. The videos here are mainly musical. If you know a good one, and it’s not here, let me know by submitting your suggestion.

I think there are some great ones here, but also others that don’t do much for me … but it’s your tastes, and your workplace, so my opinion doesn’t count.  My favourites are marked with an asterix.

SAFETY RAPS - Safety can be cool!

  • *Safety Rap – Made by the employees of Dominion VA Power


3 versions of this! Clearly our science colleagues have a lot of time on their hands!!


  • *Barrister Saves Juror who has a heart attack when delivering a verdict! CPR and defibrilator to the beat of Stayin' Alive. For the fans of the ABC series, the Barrister is The Rake




Suggestions for additions to the Dent's Safety Toolbox Starters collection are always welcome, just send in your suggestion with a link.

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Graham owns and manages Australia’s largest Linked In Group on WHS. The Group, Work Health Safety, Leadership (Australia & International) has more than 20,000 members and followers. These include representatives from every Australian and New Zealand WHS Regulator, and members from over 50 nations.